World Traveler Writers’ Guidelines are as follows:
Articles should be original, copyright-free works between 1000 and 1500 words, written in standard American or Canadian English by the person or persons making the submission. Foreign words or expressions should be in italics, in quotation marks or in brackets. Paragraphs should be short and snappy. Headings, sub-headings and photo titles may be submitted by the author or inserted by the editors.
World Traveler reserves the right to edit articles, if necessary. When this occurs, the author will receive a copy of the edited version, prior to publication. It is further understood that the editors of World Traveler make the final decision in the publishing of any submitted articles and/or images.
Articles should be based on personal travel experiences. Articles about unusual adventures, experimentation in unfamiliar cuisines, cultures, leisure activities or sporting events, or romantic or humourous travel stories would be welcome.
Subject matter may be about a hotel, cruise, city, region, province, territory, state or country.
Whenever possible, articles should be emailed to as a Word document and accompanied by copyright-free 300 dpi digital images in jpeg or tiff format.
Wherever possible, references should pertain to the American and Canadian traveler. Any travel tips about transportation to and from destination, traveling time and time zones, what to pack, when to go, food and drink, local transit, car or equipment rentals, entertainment, excursions, entrance fees to attractions and events, accommodations, expenses and tipping, banking and credit and debit cards, currency exchange, health issues and vaccinations, customs, visas, tourism boards, embassies or consulates etc. should be pertinent to the American and Canadian traveler.
Credits for articles and images will be duly given to the author and any other facilitating parties such as tourism boards or independent photographers, including their email addresses and/or website URLs. A limited number of copies of the print publication will also be provided, if requested by the author.
The editors of World Traveler would like to thank you in advance for your interest in contributing your stories to our print and on-line publications.